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Waimea Canyon

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Waimea Canyon is known as the Grand Canyon in the Pacific. It has also been known as the Garden of Eden, where all things are possible. Any time you are in need, you will be provided for. Abundance is yours as long as you believe in it. Use this piece to pray with and you will be delighted at what unfolds.

Good for the Fourth Chakra: Love and Compassion
Awakening to spiritual awareness; forgiveness and service.
Location: Middle of the chest on the breast bone at the level of the nipples.
Organ/Gland: Heart, lungs, thymus gland
Deficiency/Excess: Disorders of the heart or lungs, asthma, allergies, immune deficiency problems, and tension between shoulder blades.
Color, Element: Green, Air.
© Gurudarshan Khalsa
Image Size
773x1000 / 1.2MB
Contained in galleries
Art Prints on Metal, Art as Medicine Deck
Waimea Canyon is known as the Grand Canyon in the Pacific. It has also been known as the Garden of Eden, where all things are possible. Any time you are in need, you will be provided for.  Abundance is yours as long as you believe in it. Use this piece to pray with and you will be delighted at what unfolds.<br />
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Good for the Fourth Chakra: Love and Compassion<br />
Awakening to spiritual awareness; forgiveness and service.<br />
Location: Middle of the chest on the breast bone at the level of the nipples.<br />
Organ/Gland: Heart, lungs, thymus gland<br />
Deficiency/Excess: Disorders of the heart or lungs, asthma, allergies, immune deficiency problems, and tension between shoulder blades.<br />
Color, Element: Green, Air.